Tattoo Insurance

Terms & Conditions


Liability Insurance for Tattoo Studios & Artists including work away and treatment risk.

Terms & Conditions


Treelyn (Insurance Services) Limited trading as Insurance World and Tattoo Insure (“IW”)

(Your statutory customer rights are not affected)

Access to and use of our Web Site (“the Site”) and access to the services provided through the Site is governed by the terms and conditions of use and the terms and conditions of business (together “terms and conditions”) set out below. By using the Site you agree to accept these terms and conditions. If you do not wish to accept these terms and conditions, please do not use this Site. This Site is operated and owned by Treelyn (Insurance Services) Limited (company number 2377166) a company incorporated in and under the laws of England trading as Insurance World (IW), Tat2Insure (IW) and Tattoo Insure (IW). IW may at any time revise these terms and conditions by updating this posting. On each occasion that you visit this site, therefore, you are advised to review the terms and conditions as these will govern any contract which is made at any time after such terms and conditions have been posted to the site.


The Financial Conduct Authority is the independent watchdog that regulates financial services. Treelyn (Insurance Services) Ltd trading as Tat2insure and Tattooinsure is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our FCA Register number is 305036. You can check our status at or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768. Our permitted business includes advising, arranging, dealing in and assisting with the placing & administration of General Insurance policies.

Our Service to You

We are an independent insurance intermediary, who acts on our customers’ behalf in arranging insurance, including: assessing Your insurance needs and Personally Recommending policies suitable for you; arranging Your insurance cover with insurers to meet Your requirements; and helping You with any ongoing changes You have to make. As part of our service, We will assist You with any claim You need to make and tell You what Your responsibilities are in relation to making claims. For policies purchased solely through our Website we will ask sufficient questions to offer a policy consistent with Your stated needs, but You will need to make Your own decision on the suitability of any such product,

Our Service in relation to the provision of Premium Finance

We are a credit broker, not a lender. We only offer the credit facilities of insurers and/or Premium Credit Ltd . We may use providers who will conduct a credit check and share Your payment record with other lenders, all of, which may be recorded on Your credit record. Please contact us if You do NOT consent to a credit check being undertaken, however this may affect our ability to offer instalment facilities to You. Please Note: Your policy cover will cease if You fail to keep up payments on an instalment agreement or premium finance facility related to it and Your credit rating may be affected. In entering into a credit agreement to pay Your insurance premium, You give the finance provider the legal Right to cancel Your insurance policy on Your behalf in the event that You default on the loan, and offset any refunded premium against the outstanding amount owed to them. This means that if You default on Your payment terms and the finance provider requests that We cancel Your policy, We will do so as Your agent.

Whose Products Do We Offer?

We typically offer advice from a single, specialist insurer for our Tattoo Parlour Insurance schemes and We may use another, specialist, intermediary to access the insurance product that most suits Your needs. We will always inform You where this is the case.

Your Responsibility to Provide Information.

You have a duty under the Insurance Act 2015 to make a fair presentation of the risk to insurers. This duty applies when You take out Your insurance cover, throughout the life of Your policy, and when You renew Your insurance. This duty includes a need for Your nominated Insurance contact to undertake a reasonable search for material information which is known, or ought reasonably to be known, by anyone playing a significant role in making business decisions in Your business (such as Your company’s principals, directors, senior management or shareholders) and staff responsible for arranging or administering Your firm’s insurance. You should advise Us of any particular concerns which led You to seek insurance cover and any special or unusual facts relating to the risk. You must ensure that all material statements of fact are substantially correct and not misleading, and any material information which is a matter of expectation or belief (eg. an estimate or forecast) is provided in good faith. Failure to disclose any material information or change in circumstances to Your insurers which could influence the cost, or their decision to accept Your insurance, could mean that Your policy could be invalidated or cancelled without refund, or that part or all of a claim may be not be paid. ‘Material Information or changes in circumstances’ could include Your inability to comply with any conditions or warranties applicable to your policy, which should be notified to Us immediately. ‘Material statements’ and ‘material information’ are information which could influence the judgement of a prudent insurer in determining whether to take on a risk and on what terms.

Our Fees and Charges for the services We provide to You

We usually receive a commission from the insurer which is taken from the premium You pay to Us and, in addition, We normally make the following charges to cover the administration of Your insurance:
Arranging new policies £50
Mid term adjustments £35
Mid term cancellations and other refunds are refunded NET of commission. We may, in addition, charge a £35 administration fee.
Renewals £50
We may also receive additional remuneration based on the volume or profitability of our account with an insurer we will advise you of this. Occasionally We may arrange a policy on which We earn no commission and in these cases We will advise You of the arrangement fee before You take the policy out. We may also make additional charges specific to the arrangement and servicing of certain policies, but these will always be advised to You in advance. We may also receive commission or fees, for passing introductions to other professionals on your request. Please note that a refund will be issued when the Insurers have confirmed and returned the unused policy premium to us.

What To Do If You Have a Complaint

Our aim is to provide a first class service, however, if You wish to register a complaint, please contact us by writing to Mr J G Billingham, Treelyn (Insurance Services) Ltd, Suite 3, 24 Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5AT or by phone Telephone 01604 615400. If You cannot settle Your complaint with us, You may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service, for an independent assessment and opinion. The FOS Consumer Helpline is on 0800 023 4567 and their website is at: Or you can contact them by post at: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR The FOS Consumer Helpline is on 0800 023 4567 and their address is: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR Their website is at: or, if your complaint relates to a policy sold online or via email can register the complaint using the European Online Dispute Resolution platform at

Holding Clients Money

Under the terms of our agreements with the Insurance companies with whom We place business, all premiums You pay to us are designated as Client Money and protected in a Statutory Trust Client Account until We pay insurers. We do not pay any interest on premiums held by us in the course of arranging and administering Your insurance.


It is an express condition of the Policy that all incidents that might give rise to a liability or claim under the policy must be reported to your Insurer immediately (or in any event, by the next business day) and thereafter in writing to enable a proper investigation to be carried out and a settlement agreed. Claims should be reported to your Insurer using the telephone number/address supplied and to Insurance World on 01604 615400. Sums Insured and Indemnity Limits You will be responsible for ensuring that all sums insured and indemnity limits are adequate for the cover requested. We will advise You of the basis of calculation for sums insured and will, on request, give You details of external experts, such as surveyors and valuers, which You may wish to consult. The following information on calculating business interruption sums insured is given for guidance, but you should always seek specific advice from us if you are in any doubt as to what should be included. Business Interruption / Loss of Profits Insurance Several types of cover exist; Gross Profit basis (usual for manufacturers, retailers etc); Gross Revenue basis (normally for consultants, professions); and Increased cost of working basis, for businesses that believe there would be no loss of profit or revenue in the event of a claim, but would need to cover increased trading costs until the claim is settled. ‘Accounting Gross Profit’ and ‘Insurance Gross Profit’ are not the same thing. Where your policy includes this cover, the Sum Insured for ‘Gross Profit’ should normally be calculated using the following method: Annual turnover plus year-end stock and work in progress; less opening stock (and work in progress) and purchases, bad debts and uninsured variable expenses (such as the purchase of raw materials or shipping costs) Gross Revenue insures the total turnover without deductions and Increased Cost of Working is based on projected additional costs of temporary relocation and other forecast additional costs. Business interruption sums insured should then be adjusted to take into account the indemnity period (eg. doubled for 2 years indemnity period) Average In the event of under-insurance, Insurers may reduce the amount of any claim settlement in the same proportion as the sum insured bears to the total value of the insured items.

Are We Covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)?

We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). For Commercial customers with less than £1m turnover, insurance advising and arranging is covered for 90% of the claim, without an upper limit. All compulsory insurances (for example, motor insurance and employers’ liability insurance), insurance advising and arranging are covered for 100% of the claim, without an upper limit. Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available from the FSCS.


1 Disclaimer
1.1 IW assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any damages to or viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of or browsing in the Site or your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video, or audio material from the Site.
1.2 All such documents and related graphics are provided, and such products (where ordered) are accepted by you on an “as is basis”. Your statutory consumer rights are not affected.
1.3 All brand names, product names and titles used in the Site are trademarks or trade names of their respective holders. No permission is given in respect of the use of any of the above and moreover any such use may constitute an infringement of the holders’ rights.
1.4 This website is intended for general insurance business only and is not intended to promote or give access to any form of investment business including investment products or investment services. IW has no commercial interest or control over any investment services or investment business offered by any participating insurer nor over the content of any linked sites which may incorporate or promote investment services or investment products.
1.5 The Internet is an inherently unstable medium and errors, omissions, interruptions and delays of service may occur at any time. This may result in an insurance proposal being held up and not presented to an insurer, a delay in supplying an insurance quotation pursuant to your proposal or a delay in obtaining confirmation of insurance by way of a cover note. Where any such errors, omissions, interruptions or delays occur as a result of anything happening which is not under the reasonable control of IW, IW shall not be liable to you for any loss or damages which you may suffer as a result of such errors, omissions, interruptions or delays.
1.6 Nothing in these terms and conditions affects your statutory rights or will exclude or restrict IW’s liability for personal injury or death arising out of the negligence of IW.
2. Material You Provide To Us If you send ideas, remarks, questions, data, graphics or the like (“Submissions”) to the Site, these will be deemed to be non-confidential and we will be entitled to use or disclose the Submissions in any manner whatsoever, without liability or notice to you. Furthermore, IW shall be free to use any Submissions for any purpose whatsoever including but not limited to, developing products and services for sale using such information subject only to our privacy policy set out in clause 5 below. Submissions or any other information you send to the Site should not be, or contain material which is, offensive, pornographic, defamatory, blasphemous, unlawful or likely to infringe any applicable law. You agree that all material submitted to us is original to you, and not copied in whole or part from any third party. Please do not send anything which is required to be kept confidential or which you do not wish us to use.
3. Linked Sites
3.1 We are not responsible for the content of any off-site pages or any other sites linked to the Site nor have we reviewed any such site. These links are not endorsements of those sites. If you link to any off-site pages or other sites, such action will be at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for the contents of any web site which is electronically linked to the Site and which is not maintained by us. IW is not a party to any policy of insurance or other contract made through any off-site pages or other sites electronically linked to this Site.
3.2. Each section comprising the Site contains details of the terms and conditions as well as the services provided under policies of insurance provided by third party participating insurers. These pages are to be treated as off-site pages or linked sites and the disclaimer contained in clause 3.1 of this clause, applies to them. You are advised to verify the accuracy of any information set out there before relying on it and to seek clarification or further details as you may require from the relevant insurance provider.
4. Copyright
4.1. All Site design, text, graphics, the selection and arrangement thereof, and all software compilations, underlying source code, software (including applets) and all other material on this Site are the copyright of IW and its affiliates and participating insurers, or their content and technology providers. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4.2. Permission is granted to electronically copy and to print in hard copy portions of the Site for the sole purpose of making an insurance proposal through the Site or using the Site to obtain information on insurance products available through IW. Any other use of materials on this Site, including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, or any modification, distribution, or reproduction thereof without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited.
5. Privacy Policy
5.1. We are a data controller and our data protection officer is Jon Billingham. We act as your agent and will collect data, including personal information and risk details, solely to enable us to obtain and provide insurance quotations, arrange and administer your insurance. Data collected by us is contractual, and for our legitimate business interests as an insurance broker and we will be unable to offer any quotation or insurance if you refuse to provide certain personal data, including health, financial and criminal records data which is collected under the lawful basis of public interest, where these would affect the provision of cover and/or performance of insurance contracts. Your information will be held securely by us and shared with insurers and other parties involved in arranging and administering your insurance, which could include reputable providers in other countries, to enable them to provide accurate terms and they will also obtain data about you and your insurance history from various insurance anti-fraud databases, such as the Claims and Underwriting Exchange (CUE) as well as publicly available websites and credit referencing agencies. We will not give anyone else any personal information except on your instructions or authority, or where we are required to do so by law, or our regulatory requirements. Information about you and your insurances will be held while you are a client and for a minimum of three years, and in certain circumstances up to six years, after expiry of your policies. Under the Data Protection Act data subjects have the right to see, and correct, personal information about them that we hold. Please write to our data protection officer at our usual office address if you wish to exercise your rights or have a complaint about our use of your data.
6. Online Security
6.1. Although using the latest encryption technology to protect your credit/debit card details and all your personal information, the security of information and payments transmitted by the Internet cannot be guaranteed. Any losses incurred or sustained by users who transmit information by means of e-mail or other Internet link will be borne solely and exclusively by such user and in no event will any such losses in whole or part be borne by us. Transmitting information to us by email, is not confirmation that any such information has been received by us, until you receive a reply from us.
7. Credit Card Payments
7.1. You may make payment by credit card in which event, credit card information is not stored on any part of our Site. Payment by credit card or otherwise will be due upon your acceptance of any quotation and is a condition of the insurance. You may have the option of purchasing insurance without submitting your card details but no cover can be put “on risk” until payment in cleared funds has been received and acknowledged in writing by or on behalf of the relevant insurer.
8. Quotations and Contract Formation
8.1. The insurance company gives all quotations on the basis of your insurance proposal/application completed herein and acceptance and subject to any other terms set out in the insurance company’s terms.
8.2. You are warned that before accepting a quotation you should first read and understand the terms and conditions relating to that policy. The terms and conditions relating to the policy of insurance are accessible as instructed on the relevant part of the Site.
8.3. Cancellation We are unable to cancel any insurance policy without your confirmation in writing that you wish to cancel the policy. We recommend that you retain your policy and cover notes carefully. Upon cancellation of the contract, it should be noted that some insurance companies apply short term cancellation charges which are not proportionate to the annual premium and as these form part of the contract offered, we would ask clients to realise that such charges upon cancellation are applied by the underwriters and not ourselves. All return of premium following cancellation or adjustment will be issued net of all our commission, inception and cancellation charges which we retain in full as remuneration for arranging the initial policy. Please note that our inception charges remunerate us for arranging the initial policy; we charge to handle all mid-term adjustments. Please note that a refund will be issued when the Insurers has confirmed cancellation and returned the unused policy premium to us.
9. Policy Documents All policies and documents must be checked by you/the policyholder for accuracy and suitability. You are advised that any errors should be are notified to the issuing insurer promptly and in accordance with any terms of the policy. If you are in any doubt over any of the policy terms or conditions, please seek our advice promptly.
10. General
10.1. The products and promotions and services available through this site are only available in the United Kingdom and any offer or invitation constituted by this Site is available only for acceptance or response by United Kingdom residents accessing the Site from any part of the United Kingdom. IW is unable to provide quotations or insurance cover for UK residents temporarily abroad or to any non-domiciled persons. Insurers may at their sole discretion decline to offer insurance cover in some parts of the United Kingdom.
10.2. If any part or parts of these terms and conditions are deemed invalid, void or unenforceable, then that part or those parts will be considered severable from these terms and conditions thereby not preventing the remainder from being enforceable or effective.
10.3. These terms and conditions may be revised at any time and we reserve the right to do so.
11. Governing Law Your use of this Site and any purchase by you on this Site of any products will be governed by English Law and will be deemed to have occurred in mainland United Kingdom.
12. Glossary of Insurance Terms Click here for Glossary of Insurance Terms

Further Information

Any further information may be requested from: INSURANCE WORLD Suite 3, 24 Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5AT Tel:  01604 – 615400 Email:

Last updated 8 January 2024

We Offer Liability Insurance for:

  • Tattoo studios & tattoo artists
  • Semi-permanent make-up cosmetics
  • Body piercing including dermals
  • Tattoo shows & conventions
  • Tattoo removals including laser and E-raze
  • Buildings Contents and equipment including computers, business income, glass & signs
  • Tattoo & body piercing artist Treatment Cover

Tattoo Insure Covers Examples:

  • Professional Liability up to £5,000,000
  • Treatment Risk up to £250,000
  • Design & Copyright Infringement
  • Covers starting from £159.00
  • Tattoo & Body Piercing Cover

Highly recommended for our studio Insurance. Knowledgeable, accessible, competitively priced and always helpful we are delighted with the service we have received from the team.

Antony Nicholls - Manager, Liverpool Tattoo Convention / Tattoo Royale / Design 4 Life Tattoo

I have used insurance world for my event for the last 5 years, and they have been invaluable, both with help and the service they provide. I also have had great advice from them regarding my shops, and the cover that suits me best. I would heartily recommend them

James Aitken, organiser of the Scottish Tattoo Convention and owner of Main Street Tattoo
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